1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Whilst planning my media products, I decided to directly address the conventions of real psychological horror/crime products by both subverting and adhering to these stereotypical features.

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'Evil' |
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'Good' |
Teaser trailers generally use either a direct mode of address or an indirect mode of address. However, I decided to use both forms in my main product in order to interact and captivate the audience.
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Newsreader - direct mode of address |
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'Claudia' - direct mode of address |
In addition to this, whilst I the majority of my scenes would have appeared in the film, 'Aberration,' I wished to use one which would not feature in the end product. The reason for this was because most films such as 'The Da Vinci Code', 'Trainspotting' and 'The Shining' utilise this technique.
Through the portrayal of my victim, 'Ellie,' I was able to subvert the stereotypically 'dumb' and 'ditzy' woman who generally plays the roles of the innocent (as in The Human Centipede, pictured right) by creating a character who appears studious and focused on her studies ('I have to see Miss about the work, I don't understand what we have to do'), in comparison to one who leads a glamorous lifestyle. I also chose a young, black actress so as to break free of conventions. In the media, it is said that "'blacks' or other ethnic minorities are the 'natural' cause of problems in race relations," therefore would generally be portrayed as either the 'slave figure,' 'native figure' or 'clown or entertainer.' Through my portrayal of 'Ellie,' I wished to subvert these views, so as to shock the audience, whilst attempting to change the views of the audience with regards to the 'correct' way of viewing particular members of society.
Rather than my main character being the 'hero' of the plot (in 'Aberration,' it would be 'Ellie'), I decided to instead make the protagonist the 'villain' or 'anti-hero.' (i.e. 'Claudia'). I did this by using point of view shots from 'Claudia's perspective as she abused 'Ellie,' which also meant that I gave the audience a larger chance of seeing 'Ellie's scared, distraught reactions in the teaser trailer. Personally, I believe this was a much better, more interesting, approach because the repercussions of 'Claudia's actions were more powerful with close ups of the 'victim' character. I also think the fact that 'Ellie' looks directly into the camera with these point of view shots means that there is more interaction between the audience and the film's characters.
Another way in which I was able to use codes and conventions to my advantage was through the title of my production. I believe that in this instance, I have developed the typical horror film's title: movies like A Tale of Two Sisters and Mirrors utilise extremely simple fonts, perhaps so that the attention of the audience is directed towards the main picture of the poster. However, in both my poster and teaser trailer, I used a font which appeared to have some parts of the letters covered in blood, so as to create a blood spattered effect similar to Saw's. I also decided to substitute the 't' in 'Aberration' for an upside down cross, which has become a sign for the devil and hell, thus telling the audience almost immediately that the film is of the horror genre. So, whilst I have used symbols which are typical of the horror genre, I decided to also use fonts which are generally not seen on posters, yet tell the audience more about the type of film which is being advertised.

Overall, I believe that, for the vast majority of the time, I adhered to the codes and conventions of real media products. However, in order to make my own text stand out, I attempted to both develop and challenge the audience's expectations. I feel that I have succeeded in doing so.