Calendar - Long Term Planning Schedule

Below is the timetable of what I propose to complete before January 14th:

Saturday 2 October 2010

Product Research - 'The Shining'

  •  One of the first teaser trailers to appear, therefore hardly uses any conventions of the promos and is very simple in its approach.
  • Non diegetic music sounds like a flock of angry bees as the piece reaches its highest in pitch when the blood comes crashing down into the room.
  • Music begins slowly, becoming faster as time carries on. This creates a sense of urgency, in that the tension builds quickly, thus telling the audience almost straight away its film genre (convention of teaser trailers).
  • Audience knows the film belongs to the horror genre because the blood acts as the flaw in the narrative - although setting is unsettling because of the non diegetic music (yet normal walls and furniture) to begin with, the blood changes all this by tainting both the furniture and white walls (symbol of innocence).
  • Blood moves towards audience to create deeper sense of terror.

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