Calendar - Long Term Planning Schedule

Below is the timetable of what I propose to complete before January 14th:

Monday 11 October 2010

Audience Research Questionnaires

Below are the questions I asked in my survey (I decided to see what the overall consensus was for favourite film genres before I made any decisions on what my production would be). I used a variety of methods to collect information, including the use of the leading social media website Facebook and Yahoo! Answers in order to target any age group which I had not yet approached. I also distributed my Audience Research questionnaires through MSN (which I found easier than handing them out manually) and by hand.

1. Gender: Male/Female

2. Age Group: 16-24/25-35/36-44/45-50/50+

3. How often do you visit the cinema? (please state)

4. What is your favourite film genre? Action/Comedy/Drama/Horror/Romance/Science Fiction/Other (please state)

5. What is your preferred medium for learning about new/upcoming films? Film magazines/Internet forums/Posters/Teaser trailers/Word of mouth/Other (please state)

6. Following on from question 5, what do you think is the most effective promotional method and why?

7. How often, if at all, do you buy a film magazine? Once a week/Every fortnight/Once a month/Once a year/Never

8. Following on from question 7, if you ever purchase a film magazine, which one is it?

9. What would raise your interest in a film? Cast/Director/Familiar institution/Screenwriter/Storyline/Other (please state)

10. What is your favourite film and why?

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