Calendar - Long Term Planning Schedule

Below is the timetable of what I propose to complete before January 14th:

Saturday 4 December 2010

Script for Teaser Trailer

In order to make the storyline clear (so that the right audience is targetted), I decided to write a script for the teaser trailer.

Ellie Smith: Anyway, I've got to go see Miss about the work we were assigned - I don't understand what we have to do at all.

Sacha: Oh, okay, I'll see you later then.


Newsreader: Breaking news. It has been reported that Ellie Smith, aged 11, has appeared missing since yesterday afternoon, where she attended Roadside School, Wandsworth. There are no current suspects within the police investigation and the abductor may be armed and dangerous. The victim was last seen wearing a uniform of a red jumper and grey skirt. If you see anything suspicious, please call 0800 435 7329 immediately.


[knocking heard in the background]
Claudia: Who's that rapping on my office door?

Once I begin editing, I may end up cutting down these scripts due to the time limit (30 seconds to one minute), however, I will film them all just in case.

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