Calendar - Long Term Planning Schedule

Below is the timetable of what I propose to complete before January 14th:

Monday 20 September 2010

Product Research - Poster Analysis

In my opinion, this poster works well, because it manages to communicate to the audience the basic ambiance of the film, yet not giving so much away that their interest dims. The colours of the poster are extremely effective in doing so - a cloud of mystery seems to surround the main character of 'Moon,' thus its engaging nature continues for the audience.


Personally, I believe that the poster focuses more on the coventional styles of its genre, the main part of the image being drenched in blood, as well as the use of symbology which further communicates to us the outline of what the film is about.

In some ways, I believe that this poster does not do the film justice, whilst not attempting to target a larger audience, because its references to the film content are quite vague and need foreknowledge before they can be understoon (i.e. pupils dilating signifies drug abuse). However, in some ways, this is a positive aspect of the poster, because it creates intrigue surrounding the movie.

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